A window of Netherfield church 教堂裡ㄉ窗戶 One of our wedding-gown pics 婚紗照 Our shadows, taken in Hong Kong 自拍照, 在香港

"Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction."
~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery

   The culture differences!中西禮俗大不同!

    婚禮, 最能感受到地球兩端不同國情及各方面差異.
    交集下, 整個婚禮籌備很累人, 但也非常有趣.
    我們決定, 訂婚採中式, 結婚則採西式.
    讓兩者在融合之間, 也有保留各自原味

    習俗 Culture

    台灣 TW

    英國 UK

    費用 Pay 大部分由 男方 負擔
    Most paid by the groom side
    全部由 女方 負擔
    All paid by the bride side
    顏色 colour 紅色 白色
    婚宴 Parties 3 場 - 訂婚, 結婚, 歸寧
    3 parties - Engagement, wedding and the-bride-coming-home party.
    1 場 - 就結婚唄, 但有舞會
    1 party for the wedding.
    訂婚流程 Engagement Process

    男方父母到女方家下聘, 準新娘奉茶等.
    The man comes to the lady's house with his parents and even grand parents, give Pin, cookies, 6 gifts etc.
    Then the lady serves them cups of tea, after they drink it, put red-envlopes in the cups and the lady will go and collect them, this means she will do her duty in the new fmaily, such as server the parents.
    The man's mum is suppose to give the lady a gift for the meaning of acceptance her into their family.
    Blah blah blah... simply too many....

    男方以戒指求婚, 女方若接受, 即是訂婚.
    Lady accepts the ring.
    下聘 Pin 有, 分大小聘
    Yes, from the groom's parents to the bride's parents
    沒有 No
    喜餅 Cookies 有, 由男方負擔
    Yes, mainly for the bride's family and friends.
    沒有 No
    六禮 6-gifts 有, 雙方互給
    Yes, the grrom and the bride exchange 6 gifts, sometimes 12
    沒有 No
    嫁妝 Jia-Zhuang 有, 由新娘父母贈予新娘
    Yes, the gifts from the bride's parents to the bride, no limitation, can be a necklace or a house.
    沒有 Not neccessary.
    Wedding-gown pics
    有, 由男方負擔
    Yes, done before the engagement party.
    沒有, 婚禮當天由攝影師帶去某場地拍個20分鐘
    新娘 Bride 婚禮當天通常會換至少3套禮服 - 進場, 敬酒, 送客.
    Change 3 dresses at least.
    通常一套訂做ㄉ白紗, 頂多2套.
    婚禮當天身上必須有 4 樣東西 - 一樣「舊」東西象徵傳承, 一樣「新」象徵新生活, 一樣「借」來的象徵好福氣,
    一樣「藍」色的, 因為舊聖經裡藍色是新娘子的顏色.
    Something old, something new, something borrowed, soemthing blue.
    禮車 Car

    通常為黑色大轎車, 綁紅色帶子
    Black cars with red ribbon.

    白色車子綁白色帶子. 黑色轎車是喪禮用
    White car with white ribbon.


    穿白色禮服, 有保護新娘之說 必為偶數
    In white.

    身上的禮服顏色為婚禮佈置的主色, 通常為紫色或粉紅色之類的, 數量不拘.
    Match the colour of the wedding.


    與伴娘成對, 必為偶數

    只有一位, 是婚禮致詞的主要人物

    不一定有 Might not have


    婚禮 Wedding 採傳統習俗, 跪拜, 跨火爐, 交換戒指等
    There are too many details and too complicated to be listed....
    在教堂由牧師主持, 具法律效益.
    In a church done by a vicar.
    迎 / 送客
    送客, 由喜宴主辦方之父母及新人捧糖果香菸送客
    When guests are leaving.
    迎客, 由雙方父母及新人問候來賓並收下禮物.
    When guests are arriving.
    來賓禮 Gifts 紅包 Cash in red envelopes
    Choose from the gift list
    致詞 Speech 雙方父親 和 新郎
    Parents of both sides and the groom.
    伴郎, 女方父親 和 新郎
    The bestman, bride's father and the groom.
    舞會 Dance 沒有 No
    在喜宴後, 由新郎和新娘跳第一支舞
    The frist dancing done by the couple


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